1. Take it one room at a time
There are two kinds of people in this world. The kind who live to organise and clean, and the kind who loathe it like a kid being force-fed broccoli at dinner time. If you fall in the later category – that’s totally fine. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The best way to start tackling your newfound cleaning ambitions is to start one room at a time. This makes it less overwhelming, but also makes the process less tiring, which is a bonus in and of itself. To help you along the way, make a list of which rooms you’ll focus on first. You might want to start with the bedrooms and tackle one a week – or perhaps you’d rather start with the communal living spaces like the lounge room? Either way, try to do focus on the same type of rooms until you’re done – so if you start with one bedroom, continue with the next. If you start with the kitchen, move onto the bathroom and laundry. Not only will you find yourself needing the same products for these specific rooms, you can apply the same techniques as you go, rather than jumping from bedroom to bathroom and back again.